The Latest MSM False Start to take down Trump

I actually wrote most of this weeks ago, but was too busy to post, so I just updated it and published it now.


The latest pathetic attempt by the left to try to destroy Trump with the false accusations of his alleged infidelity with a porn star. As I’ve shown earlier all the inconsistencies of her account, her lawyers account, details and more do not add up at all. Not only that the amount paid off is the kind of payoff that would go to a false accusation to make it go away, as a legitimate one would command much more money. When looking at all the evidence it is obvious that there is no merit to this claim. Yet the media keeps on fawning over this story with such ridiculous accusations as when Daniel’s lawyer, Mr. Avenatti claimed that Trump received half a million from Putin connected Russian assets and that was used to part of the payoffs and more. Despite the fact that every Russia connection with Trump has been thoroughly debunked to the point Muller’s investigation is no longer using the Russian line and is looking for every little excuse to turn up any dirt connected to Trump like now they as saying he was paid off Ukraine, an enemy of Russia, and more. What is more is that many of Mr. Avenatti’s claims have been disproved as he did not realize that there are more than one person in the USA with name “Michael Cohen” and is under criminal investigation for illegally obtaining and releasing private, innocent citizens tax and finance records. Yet despite this the Media reports everything he says as gospel despite this so called “Lawyer” having never backed up any claim with solid proof. That’s how desperate they are and why it’s so pathetic that the media that are willing to go to stoop as low as they have, just to oust Trump.

I’ve noted before in pieces, there is no merit to the case and the numerous contradictions should put this claim to rest. We see Daniels herself keeps on contradicting he own claims, and that her friends are coming out and saying she’s told them things over the years and those things contradict. Aside from the inconsistencies about her timeline for when she was threatened and how she was threatened, right pay offs etc., It’s now come out that she tried shaking down Cohen for more than 130000 back in October. What’s even more is is she’s making a lot of money these days due to the publicity. She’s making TV appearances on SNL, She’s charging for her news appearances and dishonest outlets are shelling out cash to her for any way to attack Trump. What is more is that advertisement companies in the adult entertainment industry have been paying her a premium to be in their promotions. In other words her career has had a resurgence. She went from a washed up, probably financially struggling, ex-Porn star, a career with a very limited shelf, trying to shake down a rich guy for money right before the election to get money. And she had been trying to sell the story for years and no reputable outlet would run it, due to no proof being there. It seems that when she ran out of the money she was paid for she decided to break her agreement, realizing she can make more money. And when people say why would she do this for money and put herself out like this. Just remember that her chosen profession and what she’s done. We’re talking about someone who has no personal morals no comes to what she’ll do to get money into her pocket.

And what about her Lawyer, well as her media pimp he gets a cut of the cash, and given the financial struggles and possible bankruptcy of his firm, he is willing to stoop so low just to get money in his pocket. Plus the fact that he was a career DNC opposition researcher with a history of creating false documents to smear republicans, and illegally obtaining real documents to blackmail or destroy people, shows us he never had any morals decency to begin with. And as more and more confirmed details about his criminally shady background comes to light, it makes the claims look more and more like a mafia style shakedown.

Now Daniels’s own mother has even said that her daughter is a liar and said she suffers from a number of issues and has seen a therapist in the past. So we’re not exactly dealing with the most upstanding or mentally stable person. This story is completely fabricated by that and the media in collusion with the DNC and Muller is destroying all legal right of Attorney Client Privilege and legal precedent in a way to get Trump in any way possible. Remember the raid on Cohens office, authorized by a questionable anti-Trump judge, that every legal scholar (including those on the left) have admitted that the government has shown overreached. But the media doesn’t care about that, and they’re cheering it on, which will come back to bite them.

This is nothing more than a money making scam by a bunch of morale’s shady people one of the a so-called lawyer, who probably should be disbarred given his conduct in all this. There is no evidence Trump did anything wrong. There is no evidence that Trump received any money from Russia. There is no proof that Trump actually ever did anything with her. What’s even more is she said the reason why she allegedly did it with Trump was because he claimed he could get her on The Celebrity Apprentice which was for fame and money. However Trump would have never hired someone like her for Celebrity Apprentice because they are just what people work in the real entertainment industry. But she admitted that fame and money is behind it all, and given her so many inconsistency…why is anyone giving this credibility?

     Lets look at the only confirmed facts, several years ago she approached Trump for money, he refused, when he was in a vulnerable position years later she admitted to shaking him down for money, which Trump gave her. She then admits to breaking her agreement for that shakedown money to make more money and attention. This is the only confirmed part of this timeline. And it’s so shameful that how the media’s been reacting. But just read what I said earlier why I believe it’s false and ignore the lies and false is coming from the media and understand that this is nothing more than nonsense and a desperate attempt by the far left to take down Trump. It’s only going to backfire on them come election time it is only going to hurt them come forward protect it with all the new scandals and the Democratic Party in my state of New York. The DNC needs to understand that they are destroying themselves for simply a few seconds of celebratory self gratification.

The Stormy Fake News and the Destruction of our Legal System

The latest attempt to derail trump is the fake Stormy Daniels “news” and the current which hint surrounding it. As I stated before I do not believe that the incident ever happened and with good reason. Daniels is an out of work former porn star living off of residuals from her previous work and it sounds like she was just a greedy person trying to shake down Trump for money, got caught and is trying to seize on anti-Trump hysteria to make money now that her jig is up. Now I will go into why I do not believe it happened and after about the legal ramifications about it.

    1. The first thing is that Michael Cohen only paid her $130,000, which sounds like a lot but isn’t. For claims like hers with people of Trumps money the usual payouts for silence run at a minimum of $500k and can go over a million. The amounts she received sounds more like the kind of lesser amounts that get paid off to make sure a fake claim doesn’t hurt a reputation. In fact given she was only paid in October 2016 right before the election, she could have gotten a lot more if it was true. This is the kind of money you pay out to shake down con artists to shut them up. So while to people like you and me, that is a lot of money (way way more than I make in a year) it is small potatoes for the kind of payouts given for incidents like this if it was true
    2. Daniels also claims she was threatened by a man way back in 2011 about not talking about it, yet if she was really scared why did she only mention it for the first time now, or not file a report back then. Further she has talked about her claims to magazines and on TV in 2012, 2013, and 2014 before everyone got tired of her. In fact at the time the Media mostly ignored her because they knew the story had too many holes and sounded fake like she was trying to make money off of this. If she was threatened as she claimed why was she openly selling her story for money for years after that. She is just using this to keep her name out there to both get paid for TV appearances as well as sell her old merchandise which sales of which have spiked. Plus her sketch looks exactly like Tom Brady and very similar to her husband, she gave a sketch of the first men she thought of rather than the mythical man who threatened her.
    3. There is also he inconsistencies in the story she told back then and today about her alleged affair with Trump, as well as contradictory statements. She cant even keep a story straight, which too is suspicious.

As mentioned her profits have greatly increases as he old merchandise is selling well again due to her media attention. And the only reason why the media is taking it seriously today unlike back then is because they are out to get Trump. What is more scary is that the corrupt Judge with deep Clinton and Soros connections keeps violating legal precedent in her desire to get trump. We have seen the elimination of attorney client privileged. In the past the prosecution had to have proof a crime was done in collusion between a lawyer and client and then only seize those documents. Today we just set a new standard of if we suspect something was wrong, seize it all. Even Leftist Law professors like Alan Dershowitz was appalled and said;

If this were Hillary Clinton being investigated and they went into her lawyer’s office, the ACLU would be on every television station in America, jumping up and down…The deafening silence from the ACLU and civil libertarians about the intrusion into the lawyer-client confidentiality is really appalling”.

Also never before has a lawyer been made to disclose other clients in such a case, as it is not relevant, but this hack of a judge made Cohen spill it all. Now I will not get into how much a client Hannity was, as nothing he has said contradicts Cohen. Plus Cohen’s name has never appeared on any of Hannity’s legal documents before or any evidence Hannity ever paid a fee to him. It truly seems like a friend who gave some legal advice, but that Cohen viewed his relationship differently which is semantics.

The left in their desire to get Trump in any way possible by any means is tearing apart the foundations of our legal system and in their pathological hatred for Trump they do not care. This is a bad time for out legal system and rule of law as it is being thrown out for a political vendetta. A judge who should have recused herself is tearing down all that is sacred in our legal code for her personal agenda and the media cheering her on makes me weep for journalism and democracy. This sad event of the witch hunt to get anybody and to convict anybody just so they can get trump, the desire to do this at all cost no matter how many innocents get hurt or how much our legal system is destroyed makes me sad and worred and should worry anyone with a brain or care about rule of law and this country


Muller’s Last Stand

    Robert Muller is making his last stand in his phony Trump “collusion” investigation that he was pushed into reluctantly. This latest raid on Eric Cohen is a move of a desperate man looking for one last attempt to justify his existence. With everything in his Russia collusion investigation having fallen apart by now, either due to lack of evidence or corruption among his staff, Muller has become desperate for any victory. He also might be making a play to get Trump to fire him, thus giving him another way out. He is a man trapped with no way out, if he doesn’t get something on Trump the Democrats and their media cronies will destroy him in public, but yet there is nothing there for him to go on. He is a man on his last legs, trying to find a way out by either getting anyone to convict so he can close his investigation or to get fired, both getting him out of his nightmare.

    Muller’s investigation costs millions a week and yet after a year and a half has not turned up anything. First they thought they nailed Trumps advisers, but it turned out he was talking with Turkey, one of our NATO allies, not Russia. They then tried to nail his transition team for talking with Russia and other foreign powers during the transition period, only for it to come out that the Obama administration was aware, said publicly it was legal, and turns out every transition team does it as part of the handing over of power. Then they tried to get Mike Flynn again, but then it came out Muller’s prosecutors altered reports, conducted attempted blackmail, and other criminal activities to get a supposed “plea deal” which has since fallen apart. Half of his prosecutors are known Hillary supporters, including two with deep DNC connections and one of them connected and tangentially connected to the fake Dossier which launched this kangaroo court. Muller’s own boss at the Justice Department has been refusing to hand over documents to the congressional oversight committee and is contempt of congress. Worse, documents congress wanted he not only refused to hand over to them, but gave them to reporters at the NY Times and Washington Post where they ran propaganda articles to cover the Justice Department’s behind from their borderline illegal activities.

    Now Muller has raided and seized Michael Cohen’s, Trump’s personal attorney, documents in a move of dubious legality. This is to allegedly see if any campaign finance laws were used to pay off a porn star about an alleged affair (one I am doubtful has happened for many reasons, which I will get into in a different piece), came from Trumps campaign money and not his personal cash. Cohen would have only had access to Trumps personal slush fund and not the campaign money, for him to do what they are investigating is highly improbable. Further most legal experts, including some of the most prominent liberal legal scholars at place like Harvard Law, say is illegal and was illegal for a judge to give such a subpoena (though not the first time a leftist activist judge illegally authorized things like this to benefit the Democrats, like how Obama got into the senate). And while the lawyer for the washed up porn star says it is not and says he “knows the law”, given his other statements and his ignorance of the basics of confidentiality contracts like the one his client signed, make he doubt his legal acumen and skills.

    Attorney-Client confidentiality is a cornerstone of our legal system and one that historically has been protected, even when it meant mobsters and drug lords got away with heinous crimes. The reason for this is that it allows for lawyers to properly represent their clients without fear on either to protect the integrity of the legal system. Only when they have had solid proof the lawyer did something illegal has there been a precedent to seize documents from the lawyer, and only those pertaining to the alleged crime. Here they raided based on a possible theory with no proof or even circumstantial evidence! Worse, they took documents from Cohen related to all manner of interactions with Trump with no connection to the alleged potential campaign finance issues. This is a gross breach of legal rights and a bad precedent for the future which would undermine our whole legal system.

    Muller is so desperate he is hoping to find anything illegal that has been done, quite literally anything on anything even if it is unrelated to Russia just to convict someone so he can justify ending his investigation. Either that or hope it pushed Trump into firing him, which too gives him a way out. Trump is too smart to fall for that, and he is right now, along with Cohen, giving Muller enough rope to hang his career with and let Muller ruin his long and spotless FBI director record with this black spot. Muller is tired and weary and just looking for any exit and any cost, regardless of what and who is hurts. I pity him right now, he was given a task where if he didn’t find anything the DNC and their media puppets would destroy him, particularly if the Democrats got back into power. He was put into a no-win situation, where he and the whole DOJ knew the entire investigation was based on a fake dossier and make up reports that were actually fed by Russia and financed by Hillary’s campaign. Hopefully this overreach causes the whole rotten edifice of this phony investigation to come crashing down and leads to a purge of the corruption in the DOJ that has been brought to light during the course of this circus.

The NY Daily Smear…I mean “News”

   The Daily News on their front page today had another factless ad-hominem smear of Donald Trump. It was bad enough when they tried to blame the NRA for Parkland, and in the process smeared the entire JROTC, including kids who died saving others. But in their ongoing mission to be a puppet mouth piece of the DNC they went on a poorly thought out smear of Trump. As many of you know, I myself am not a big Trump Fan (and didn’t even vote for him), though I think on some issues he is doing an ok job and others not a good job. But to try and attack Trump, the man who has been for decades a stalwart supporter of the Orthodox Jewish community, with a Daughter who converted to Judaism with his support, with the Jewish Son-in-Law, Jewish half of his entire senior staff, and Jewish grand-kids as antisemtitic is ludicrous!

   Now where did they get this kooky idea from? Well a friend of the person who died in the fire at Trump towers told the Daily News that Trump, over 20 year ago, called the man “that Jew” and that they man purportedly told this friend he hated living in Trump towers for over 20 years because of it. Now the claim of one friend on something that makes no-sense is the current standard for New York’s favorite choice of kitty litter lining.

   First of all, all of this is based on one persons hearsay claim; with no proof what so ever. Second is Trump can be called many things, but anti-Semitic is not one of them. Trump is beloved in the Orthodox Jewish world, where people flew down to Florida to cheer him as he went on vacation. Trump for years helped out and supported many Jewish causes like his father did. And while Trump is a known self-promoter, many of his great deeds for the Jewish community never were mass published outside of communal publications. Like Trump loaning his private jet to help a Jewish kid get to his surgery appointment across the country after the airline turned the family down, and trump kept it quiet until the family let the story be known years later.  I mean Trump has been a good friend to Jews for years, and both in his corporation and in his administration he has loaded it with Orthodox Jews. As well as his right hand is his Jewish Son-in-Law and his closest confident is his daughter who converted. So this claim is ridiculous by the NY Daily News.

   But even looking at the details of the alleged claim, it makes no sense. If this actually ever happened, this would have come out during the campaign when there were offers of amounts up to $500,000 for such info. Second, if this person hated Trump as much as his friend claims he did and hated living in Trump Towers, then why did he not move for over 20 years and never complain himself. The entire slanderous piece on their front page is of a level of quality not even the National Enquirer would stoop too. Within the last two years this is the lack of standards the Daily News has seemed to embrace, no wonder they are in such financial trouble and a readership to the point no one wants to even buy their valueless brand.

   But there is one anti-Semite in all of this…The NY Daily News. The Daily News has a long history of anti-Jewish attacks and slurs with false and defamatory articles that viciously attack the Jewish community of New York. Whether it is articles supporting anti-Orthodox activists call for the government to arrest of shut down a renowned Orthodox News Paper for having an opinion they disagreed with. Or one of their many articles viciously attacking the Orthodox community, especially Religious Jewish Private Schools, found to be nearly entire fabrications not based in fact and easily debunked. The NY Daily News history of nasty anti-Semitism towards New York’s Orthodox community makes many Orthodox Jews wonder if in the Daily News’ newsroom they wear brown shirts and go goosetepping around.

   It is quite ironic that one of the nation’s most anti-Semitic and Jew Hating publications would dare call the most Pro-Jewish president since Lincoln an “anti-Semite”. I don’t know whether the Daily News is just by this point a mouth piece for the DNC or just toadies who have gotten far more on their face brown than their nose and tongue. What do you expect from a paper that was so partisan it refused to endorse any candidate for mayor, rather than endorse an accomplished and awarded republican legislator (they tried to defend their choice by saying one of the 10 most accomplished members of the assembly wasn’t accomplished enough for them to endorse), and they told people not to vote GOP because the corrupt democrat they hated was going to win. It is no wonder only 12% of voters showed up for that election, as they along with the other DNC shills did their best to prevent, within legal means, a popular republican from winning.

   The Daily News is a disgrace to the profession of journalism, if what they do can even be called that. This is one of the USA’s most anti-Semitic and hate-filled publications trying to smear Trump on ad- hominem hearsay with no proof. Shame on them and I can’t wait for the day very soon they completely go under which will be a day of good riddance.